Our homestay immersion is part of the studies rather than a family pension. Families receive one student at a time (exception couples).
Boost your Spanish with practicing in everyday situations after school. Get to know chilean live and culture from inside.
You arrive the day before your classes start in the evening and leave in the morning of your 7th day
Conveniently nearby the school, 10 minutes walking.
Three blocks from the lake
Several weeks Spanish Courses or city combinations where you study Spanisch in Pucon and Santiago or Bariloche, Spanish course including accomodation or seasonal offers for Spanish courses.
Group lessons in Santiago 4 lessons per day
1:1 in Pucon, 3 hours per day
Homestay families in both cities
1 weeks each city: 940,- USD
2 weeks each city: 1640,- USD
Group lessons in Bariloche 4 lessons per day
1:1 in Pucon 3 hours per day
Homestay families in both cities
1 weeks each city: 1000,- USD
2 weeks each city: 1800,- USD
*Our prices are in CLP, prices in USD may change with mayor changes in exchange rate, please inquire.**prices may change in high season Dez-Feb
Este es el contenido de la etiqueta P de diseño y este es mas contenido de la etiqueta P de diseño
A clip by two ex-students, Ben and Michelle with stunning footage of Pucon, the nature, the volcano. Their teacher Paty singing along.